At PlanEighteen, we always ensure to serve customers with the best quality products. However, if you are not happy with the order received, feel free to contact us at We are happy to help you.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I cancel my order?
You can cancel your order within 24 hours from the time your order got confirmed.
How can I cancel my order?
Contact us at with your order id and reason for cancelation. Remember, cancellation requests should be sent from the same email address from which the order was placed.
Important: Once an order is processed and shipped from our warehouse, it can not be canceled.
In case of faulty and damaged product
After the order delivery if the shipment received is faulty or damaged, you can raise a return/exchange ticket by sending us an email at by mentioning your order Id and issue.
Please ensure that the ticket will be raised from the same email address from which the order is placed.
Return and Refund Policy
In case you are unhappy about the product received, or have issues with size and fit, you can raise a return/replacement request within 7 days from the date of delivery by sending us an email at
Please ensure that the return/replacement request is raised from the same email address from which the order was placed. Also, mention the order Id and product issues.
Return Shipping
We don’t have a reverse pickup system as of now, you are requested to ship the products(s) back to the warehouse address that we will share in the email.
Kindly pack then items securely to ensure that it reaches our facility in the original condition that got delivered at your address.
In case of any defective or damaged product issues, the shipping charges will be bared by the company, and for the wrong order placed by customer, then he/she have to bear the shipping cost. We will provide detailed instructions regarding the packing and return shipping guidelines via email.
In case you are unhappy about the product received, or have issues with size and fit, you can raise a return/replacement request within 7 days from the date of delivery by sending us an email at
Please ensure that the return/replacement request is raised from the same email address from which the order was placed. Also, mention the order Id and product issues.
Size and Fit Issues
We request all our customers to carefully refer to the size charts before placing orders. All our T-shirts come in a universal size and fit like all major brands on the Internet. (Regular / comfort fit – not loose not too tight.
At Plan Eighteen, all the orders are custom printed based on the orders we receive. In that case, it is not easy for us to manage the size and fit-based returns and replacements. In such cases, customers will have to bear the return shipping cost.
Quality Check for Return Product Condition
Our QC team checks and verifies each returned product to ensure they are unused and in the same condition as they were sent out to you.
Also before accepting the return process returned product(s) will be cross-checked to confirm the reported issues are genuine.
Clothing products with tags branded packaging should have the brand tags intact, products with removed tags, and untidy conditions indicate usage and will not be accepted for returns.
How long will the return process take?
As soon as we approve and confirm the return shipment after the quality check, the refund will be initiated within 24 hours to customers. The amount will get refunded to the original bank account from where the purchase was made.
Please feel to reach us at if any further clarification is required.We request all our customers to carefully refer to the size charts before placing orders. All our T-shirts come in a universal size and fit like all major brands on the Internet. (Regular / comfort fit – not loose not too tight.
At PlanEighteen, all the orders are custom printed based on the orders we receive. In that case, it is not easy for us to manage the size and fit-based returns and replacements. In such cases, customers will have to bear the return shipping cost.
Quality Check for Return Product Condition
Our QC team checks and verifies each returned product to ensure they are unused and in the same condition as they were sent out to you.
Also before accepting the return process returned product(s) will be cross-checked to confirm the reported issues are genuine.
Clothing products with tags branded packaging should have the brand tags intact, products with removed tags, and untidy conditions indicate usage and will not be accepted for returns.
How long will the return process take?
As soon as we approve and confirm the return shipment after the quality check, the refund will be initiated within 24 hours to customers. The amount will get refunded to the original bank account from where the purchase was made.
Please feel to reach us at if any further clarification is required.